الخميس، 2 ديسمبر 2010

There’s A Reason Why BIRD WATCHING IN LION COUNTRY Is the #1 Ebook About Forex Trading!

There’s A Reason Why
Is the #1 Ebook
About Forex Trading!

Dirk du ToitHi, my name is Dirk Du Toit, and I am the author of “Bird Watching in Lion Country – Forex Trading Explained”.
Before I explain why more Forex Traders prefer my ebook to any other on the market, let me first tell you why you might want to listen to what I have to say.
* In 1988 I completed my masters degree and became a financial advisor.
* In 1999 I completed the International Capital Markets Qualification at the Securities Institute of London.
* In 2002 I became the Chairman of the Forex Investment Association that helps regulate the Forex industry in South Africa.
* I am licensed as a Forex Money Manager.
* I have mentored traders who went on to win independent trading competitions
* I have been invited to speak at national and international Forex Trading conferences.
* More importantly, since 1998 I have earned my living in the global financial markets by trading and mentoring other traders in the Forex marketplace.
As you can see, unlike many so called Guru’s who are more marketer than Forex trading expert, I have the education, experience and certification that makes me a leading authority on the subject of Forex Trading.

Tired of Empty Promises? Me, Too!

I wrote Bird Watching in Lion Country back in 2004 because I grew increasingly more frustrated and angry with the many self-proclaimed experts and their top secret Forex trading systems, e-books and automated trading software promising vast wealth and untold riches if you only switched to the flavor-of-the-month.
I always earned a good living in Forex trading, and I knew that long-term success could be achieved, but NOT by following the outrageous promises being made by pseudo-experts in the Forex marketplace.
Something needed to be done, and so I wrote my e-book and began my mentoring program in an effort to level the playing field, explain the truth about these fly-by-night Forex trading systems, and to demonstrate that you can make a very good living in Forex trading if you approach the foreign exchange market carefully and wisely.
When first released to the public, Bird Watching in Lion Country quickly became an instant hit and one of the most talked about Forex trading ebooks over the past five years. In fact, it consistently receives rave testimonials on independent websites all over the Forex trading space.

Fool Me Once, Shame On You.
Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me.

If you’ve already purchased Forex ebooks or automated trading software, then chances are that you already know that what I’m saying here is true. Internet marketers created most of these products and systems for one purpose and one purpose only: to part you with your money and nothing more.
Every other month some new person promotes yet another plug-in-and-profit expert advisor or trading system promising you earnings of $500.00 per day with only $250.00 down. If it were really that easy, don’t you think we’d all be millionaires? Now you can continue to listen to them, or you can listen to me. It’s up to you.
You know the old saying, “Fool me once; shame on you. Fool me twice; shame on me.” How many times are you going to play the fool and throw your good money after hyped up trading systems? Isn’t it time for a change?

The Proof is in the Pudding

No doubt you’ve heard this saying before, too. It means that the true value or quality of something can only be judged when it’s put to the test.
BWILC passes the reader satisfaction test hands down. See the readers poll from the DrForex Community.
In Forex trading the most important test is the test of time. Anyone can be lucky and make a fast buck in a day with 100:1 leverage. But will your luck hold for a lifetime?
Let me introduce you to some people who purchased Bird Watching in Lion Country and put what they learned to good use and withstood the test of time.

Trader of the Year 2010

This year, 2010, I have provided a FX Challenge Preparation Program for those interested to take part in the FXStreet 2010 Trader of the Year Competition. Over a three-month period I have provided additional insights in the BWILC trading strategy and also for the duration of the 2010 competition I have provided a weekly relational analysis briefing.

The winner, Michael Edwards, with a return of 36.2% over only two months of trading was a participant in my FX Challenge Preparation Programme.

BWILC traders also made 4th, 5th and 6th place with returns of 25.85%, 13.90% and 12.75% respectively.

Trader of the Year 2009

Maybe so but consider the 2009 FXSTREET.com Trader of the Year Contest. Over a three-month period, only three contestants made positive returns. One of them, the winner and 2009 Trader of the Year, Martin, made 65% profits after studying Bird Watching in Lion Country and joining my mentor program.

Trader of the Year 2007

Every year FXSTREET.com holds a Trader of the Year Contest. In 2007, out of 50 contestants, only two made positive returns over a four-month period: Colin took second place with a 35% return, and Torsten Kruger took first place with a 136% return.
Says Torsten, “I discovered the strategy in Bird Watching in Lion Country, and I very quickly became aware that this must be the only approach for successful trading for me.”
I know what you may be thinking … they were both just lucky.

The Truth,
the Whole Truth
and Nothing but The Truth …

If easy-money promises and plug-and-play systems are what keep you in the Forex market, the following will shake your foundation …
  • If you are here only for the glamour without the grind, then you are barking up the wrong tree …
  • If you aren’t interested in the cold hard facts and truth about sustained, profitable Forex trading, then please don’t read any further …
  • The real truth about Forex trading is … that it is a business and to succeed in business you need knowledge and you have to work.
  • You need to have a broad perspective on the market and what causes currency prices to move up and down. A one-trick pony method is never going to make you rich. In fact, it will probably cause you to lose more money than you can afford.
  • Once you have a broad perspective about Forex trading as your foundation, then you need to develop a workable, sustainable, and repeatable trading approach. Something can’t be sustainable if you don’t spend time on it. If something works for a month, you can’t accept it will work for every month of the year or for the rest of your life.
  • Bird Watching in Lion Country provides all of the vital things that you will need to be successful in Forex trading. It provides knowledge and the guidelines to a time-tested Forex trading business model that turns conventional wisdom on its head, and helped many to turn the corner in their Forex trading.

Ignorance is Not Bliss

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance bankrupts you faster than you can imagine.
FACT: Nine out of ten Forex traders lose their whole account. Many of them do it in less than a month. It is sad but true.
Worst is, they all use the same principles. They blindly follow the exact same entry and exit systems. They don’t risk more than 2% per trade. They stop their losses. They run their profits. They lose their accounts. They lose interest and faith in the Forex market. That is a shame because the Forex market and Forex trading really offer a moneymaking opportunity for those who will adhere to sound trading business principles.
If you have done any level of trading in the past in stock markets or futures exchanges, you cannot blindly assume that you will be able to leverage success in those areas to become a multi-millionaire in Forex trading. It simply doesn’t work that way. The Forex market is lion country. If you go bird watching in lion country you better take precaution.
During the last five years Bird Watching in Lion Country did wonders for many Forex traders. It remains a top seller because it doesn’t skirt the truth. It provides the perspective, the knowledge and the trading system to Forex traders to become part of the one in ten who don’t lose their accounts out of ignorance.

Don’t take my word for it — listen to what my customers and clients are saying about Bird Watching in Lion Country 2010:

“You have hit a home run. BWILC is great, but the 2010 revision is much better. I like that you spent a lot more attention to the managing of account draw downs and methods of handling them. I learned some of the draw down handling in the mentoring program and have practiced applying the techniques. I am glad to see it so well explained in the revision. The 2010 revision is organized in a more straight forward manner. When I read the revision, I placed the original BWILC side by side and tried to follow the flow and see the differences. I find the revision clearer and certainly more detailed. A nice feature at the end is the inclusion of actual trading experience.”


“BWILC 2010 is a comprehensive, methodical roadmap to building one’s trading business. It is brutally honest, as current as it can be, and most importantly, a detailed account of the common philosophies all successful traders follow. There is not a product out there that comes even close, because there is nobody else out there willing to really teach others how to succeed as a Forex trader. Most take half-truths, distort them, and put them together in some kind of quick recipe that THEY can benefit from, either in the form of selling books/courses or getting people to open accounts with them. Without the solid foundation that this book provides, I do not see how anybody could seriously start a speculative business as Forex trading.’”


“To say that both the guide and its creator have challenged my preconceptions about FOREX investing is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for the assertion that anyone can trade FOREX successfully. But I realize, only now do I truly understand after reading “Bird Watching in Lion Country,” that it is possible. Not everyone can become a great investor, but a great investor can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius from South Africa, Dirk Du Toit.
I am very glad that I embraced BWILC and took all of Dirks tutorials. I now have a whole new perspective for successful investing in FOREX.”


“In his update to the classic Bird Watching in Lion Country, Dirk Du Toit continues to tell it like it is when it comes to achieving real success in currency trading. He does not pull any punches in letting you know what are the traps that so many of us can fall victim to. This can be somewhat confronting but it’s your start to getting on the right path.
In his new version of the book, he includes more real life experiences of traders, including those of participants in his mentoring programme.
He refers to a “period of unlearning” which most of us have to go through in order to shake off a lot of flawed thinking that we have picked up along the way about how to trade currencies successfully. Only after this can we begin to develop a correct approach.
Again he looks at examples of actual market situations, but this time they are more recent, which is very valid in view of the recent major changes in the economic climate. He always backs up his recommendations with sold facts and real life examples.
Great additions in this new version include:
- who the top forex trading institutions are
- helping readers work out whether to trade full-time or part-time
- the rise and fall of the carry trade
- fundamental analysis – what it is and what it isn’t
- distinguishing among 3 types of traders – short-term trader, medium-term trader and long-term trader
- corellation among markets”


“I found BWILC 2010 much more explanatory in areas where I struggled. In fact, the more I read the more I became convinced that “Dirk is giving the whole game away that I had to discover doing the mentor-ship program”. The book is brilliant, and in it’s current format explains much more.’”


“I think your BWILC ebook is priced too low. You might have done better market analysis than I have but your product is so much higher quality than everything I’ve seen… You could easily raise the price by $100 in my opinion.


This is just a small sampling of reader testimonials. There are many, many more in my forum, all testifying to the quality of the information provided in Bird Watching In Lion Country.

Isn’t it time you took the next step, stopped losing money with fad strategies and tools, and finally got the education you want and need to trade Forex successfully over the long-term?

Time To Get Started!

Bird Watching In Lion Country is not some $7.00, 10 page, quickie report, churned out overnight for a fast buck. This is a serious ebook written by a practicing successful trader and mentor of many successful traders. It challenges your accepted ‘truths” and surefire techniques. It exposes the tricks of marketing wizards. It reveals the edges that became second nature for market wizards. It sets you up to run a profitable personal trading business.
Most importantly, it’s for those of you seeking an understanding about how to make money with currency trading – written in plain English.

During the last five years I had the opportunity to engage in discussion with hundreds of students of Bird Watching in Lion Country and it became clear how it could be improved even more. With natural changes in the dynamic Forex marketplace, the forces of change also eroded some of the content, examples and focus points in the book. It became time for a substantial and massive update.
When you purchase your copy of the all new 2010 Edition of Bird Watching in Lion Country, you will not only receive the steadfast wisdom imparted five years ago but also the added input of readers who made the book work for themselves.
I have substantially updated and revised Bird Watching in Lion Country to incorporate the latest tricks of marketing wizards, the impact of regulatory changes world wide as well as the effects of the credit crunch on the personal Forex trading business owner and how to adapt to these challenges.
Based on the experiences and input of hundreds of readers and personal Forex mentoring clients, I have gained a wealth of new insights about how to explain my low-risk Forex trading strategy to get you up and running as soon as possible. I have incorporated these insights by expanding the text with another 100+ pages, mostly covering the 4×1 strategy and relational analysis.


Bird Watching in Lion Country is over 340 pages long and provides you with the facts about Forex trading that you need to know in order to evolve into a successful trader.

  • You will reap the benefits of my years of trading experience, my education, and my hands-on techniques. You’ll be learning Forex trading by a recognized authority with a proven methods and a legitimate track record.
  • The e-book covers an explanation of what a trading system is and how to gain an edge. It explains how not to trade and the elements that comprise a proper trading system.
  • The book reveals how marketers cloud the skies and how accepted market wisdoms are being turned against you to dupe you into trading in a way that is beneficial to everyone else and not to you. It explains how to turn the tables on them and claim your rightful place amongst the small group who controls their own destiny in the currency trading market.
  • Absolute beginners will learn foreign exchange basics, gain an understanding of the foreign exchange market and how it works, and how to use this knowledge as an edge to trade the Spot FX market.
  • You will learn the real reasons why so many traders fail at “technical analysis only, risk only 2% of your account” FX trading strategies and what to do about it.
  • I reveal in detail how you can apply my proprietary 4×1 strategy and my personal methodology called Median Trading. You will also learn everything available about Relational Analysis and my take on integrated Risk Management.
  • Over the last five years several myths have circulated about the correct application of Bird Watching in Lion Country strategies and how I personally trade. In this all-new and revised 2010 edition I have taken steps to squash these myths to prevent you from running around in circles.
  • I have included an Appendix revealing how I have made a 171% gross return over a 12 month period. This “One Year of 4×1 Trading” shows not only every trade I have done, but also some relational analysis explanation behind those trades.
  • Based on my in-depth personal contact with hundreds of clients, I have developed a broad knowledge of how Forex traders’ minds work before they discover Bird Watching in Lion Country, what illusions they are under, and why most of them fail.
  • I have used this knowledge to expand Bird Watching in Lion Country on those sections where it really matters. In total more than 100 additional pages with explanations, case studies, real time examples and common sense deductions about running your personal forex trading business.
  • In Bird Watching in Lion Country I cover the unknowns, the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns that are at the core of failing Forex trading systems and losing Forex trader methodologies.
  • Bird Watching in Lion Country 2010 Edition is an ebook, a manual, a textbook and a study guide without peer in the online Forex trading world. When you are done studying Bird Watching In Lion Country, you will have the firm foundation you need and the methodologies you crave to become a successful Forex trader.


Only $97

Get your copy of the all new 2010 Edition, comprehensively revised and expanded Bird Watching In Lion Country – Forex Trading Explained right now and take your first step to become a consistently successful forex trader in the long-run.. You’re not on your own. Your purchase qualify you for several support options based on your needs once you have laid the foundation for a personal forex trading business as explained in Bird Watching in Lion Country.

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